Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney
Barbara Cooney is an author and illustrator that believes in exposing children to true issues instead of always showing them happy endings. She is dedicated in executing her illustrations and actually visits the sites so her illustrations are true to life. This book is based loosely on one of her life experiences and was recommended by a classmate. I was drawn to the illustrations in the book and look forward to reading it one day.
The Napping House by Audrey and Don Wood
This couple is a writing/illustrating duo. I would like to read The Napping House because the artwork in the books seemed very intricate and detailed, showing a story within itself. This book was recommended by a classmate.
Grandfather's Journey by Allen Say
Allen Say is an author illustrator that writes many books based off of his life. Grandfather's Journey is a true story about his Grandfather's life. I know that this is a commonly used book in elementary classrooms and would love to find out why. This book was recommended by a classmate.
Allison by Allen Say
This book is about a little girl that finds out she is adopted. She struggles with the idea of family until she adopts a cat and identifies with it. The imagery in this book looks amazing. This book was recommended by a classmate.
The Way We Work by David Macaulay
This is a lengthy book that explains the biology of how we work. It is a great book that could be used across several subjects. This is another book that is recommended to have in the classroom not only for subject matter, but for the details embedded within the book. This book was recommended by a classmate.
Chalk by Bill Thomson
This wordless book is about some students that find a bag of chalk on the playground and everything they draw comes to life. The illustrations on the few pages I looked at were fantastic and I want to see the rest of the images. This book was recommended by a classmate.
The Messenger by Lois Lowry
I really liked The Giver, so I am curious to read on in the series. Some people have said that it pales in comparison, but I would like to see if more details are written about the community or if anything about Jonas if ever discussed. This book wasn't recommended by anyone, but I thought it sounded interesting.
The Princess and the Pizza by Mary Jane and Herm Auch
This is a non-traditional fairy tale about a princess winning the heart of a prince through a pizza making contest. After the prince fall in love with her, she realizes that her dream is to open her own pizzaria and leaves the prince. I am intrigued by the non-traditional fairy tale and would love to read this to find out more. This was recommended by a friend.
Dragon's Keep by Carey Janet Lee
This book is about a princess born with a dragon claw. This leads her to debate about her place in life, if she should be a princess or if she belongs with the dragons. I have always been drawn to fantasy stories like this one, and would love to read more juvenile fiction. This was recommended by a classmate.
Me & You by Anthony Browne
This book is depicted with a graphic novel on the left and a written story from another point of view on the right. I am interested in this book because it takes on several different literary elements and tells the story from different points of view. This book was recommended by a classmate.
Bones by Steve Jenkins
This book has life size images of bones and how they work. It is a non-fiction book that includes information on bones. I am interested in this book to check out the images. This book was recommended by a classmate.
Lifesize Zoo by Teruyuki Komiya
This book includes life size images of animals that include pull-out information. It also includes questions within the text to have students answer about the animal they are reading about. This book was recommended by a classmate.
Super Science Lab
This non-fiction book includes many different science topics and information on that topic. It also includes experiments to do relating to the topics in the book. This book was recommended by a classmate.
Sahara Special by Esme Kaji Codell
This book is about a young girl that is going into the fifth grade for the second time. This is because she has special needs. I am eager to read this book because I want to teach special education and am interested in the literature available to share with my students. This book was recommended through a book pass.
Love That Dog by Sharon Creech
This book is written in poem form. I haven't read a lot of children's books that are presented in poem form and am interested to do so. This book was recommended through a book pass.